
  1. Testimony by Hon. Yleem Poblete, PhD., House Foreign Affairs Committee, Europe Subcommittee, Arms Control; International Security, and U.S. Assistance to Europe: Review and Reforms for the State Department. (Video of the Mar. 11, 2025 hearing); Oral Testimony and Prepared Remarks.
  2. Trump is ‘100% Serious’ about acquiring Greenland, Panama Canal,  say sources close to Prez elect, New York Post (Dec. 23, 2024).
  3. Global campaign to save kidnapped dissident from execution in Iran, The Jerusalem Post (Mar. 8, 2022).
  4. Jordan’s King Meets US Arms Control Official, Ammon News (Jan. 21, 2021).
  5. Trump Administration Doubles Down On Iran Nuclear Treaty Allegations, Al-Monitor (Apr. 16, 2020).
  6. With Tensions Rising, New Focus Emerges on Americans Jailed in Iran, The Los Angeles Times (Jan. 4, 2020).
  7. The U.S. Criticizes Russia as Serial Violator of Arms Control Treaty, Voice of America (Mar. 19, 2019).
  8. State Department Concerned Over Russia’s Satellite Behavior, C4ISRNET (Aug. 14, 2018).
  9. After Maduro’s Secret Trip to Cuba, Opposition Leaders Want to Know: ‘Why Did He Go?’ The Miami Herald (Aug. 17, 2017).
  10. Batalla Por Nica Act Será en el Senado de Estados Unidos, La Prensa de Nicaragua (May 26, 2017).
  11. Recognizing the Threat from Latin America, The Washington Times, Yleem Poblete (May 17, 2017).
  12. Analistas: Ley HR 244 adelanta en 50% La Nica Act, La Prensa de Nicaragua (May 12, 2017).
  13. North Korea After Regime Change: Who Takes Over?, The National Interest (Apr. 25, 2017).
  14. Armageddon: The Devastating Consequences of a Second Korean War, The National Interest (Apr. 14, 2017).
  15. Jurista Critica Papel de la OEA en Nicaragua, La Prensa (Apr. 8, 2017).
  16. Trump Assembling a Fierce Team of Iran Deal Opponents, The Washington Free Beacon (Dec. 5, 2016).
  17. Former House Foreign Affairs Chief Poblete, Named to Trump’s NSC Landing Team (Dec. 1, 2016).
  18. Iran Targets Latin America, World Affairs Journal, Yleem Poblete (August 2016).
  19. Israel Deserves Better, The Gatestone Institute, International Policy Council, Yleem Poblete (July 25, 2016).
  20. The South China Sea Ruling: The Ball is Squarely In Manila’s Court, The Weekly Standard, Dennis Halpin (July 13, 2016).
  21. The Randy Forbes Defeat: Anchors Away for China, The Weekly Standard, Dennis Halpin (June 23, 2016).
  22. Obama’s Hiroshima Visit Could Have Unintended Consequences, The Weekly Standard, Dennis Halpin (May 26, 2016).
  23. Kim Yong-un’s Nuclear Parade, The Weekly Standard, Dennis Halpin (May 5, 2016).
  24. Dr. Yleem Poblete Speaks at the AIPAC 2016 Policy Conference (Mar. 16, 2016).
  25. Ros-Lehtinen Pushes for Special Advisor on Iran Sanctions, Newsmax (Jan. 2, 2016).
  26. Japan and South Korea ‘settle’ wartime sex slave dispute, UK Independent, Dennis Halpin quoted (Dec. 28, 2015).
  27. Beijing Moves to Further Muzzle Hong Kong’s Free Press, The Weekly Standard, Dennis Halpin (Dec. 15, 2015).
  28. Korean Wave in American Politics, Dennis Halpin, The Korea Times (Sep. 8, 2015).
  29. Dr. Strange Kim: How North Korea Almost Handed ISIL the Bomb, NK★News, Dennis Halpin (Aug. 17, 2015).
  30. Iran-North Korea Nuclear Timeline, Poblete Analysis Group (July 22, 2015).
  31. Déjà Vu: Lessons for Iran From the Failed North Korean Nuclear Negotiations, The Weekly Standard, Dennis Halpin (July 22, 2015).
  32. Senate Panel Seeks Tighter Oversight of State Department, Washington Examiner, Yleem Poblete quoted (Apr. 21, 2015).
  33. North Korea’s Kim family cult: Roots in Japanese state Shinto?, NK News, Dennis Halpin (Feb. 20, 2015).
  34. North Korea’s Sony Hacker: Meet Kim Yong-chol, The Man Who Keeps the Secrets, The Weekly Standard, Dennis Halpin (Feb. 4, 2015).
  35. U.S.-Cuba Policy: A Little History and Clarification Are In Order, The Hill, Jason and Yleem Poblete (Jan. 26, 2015).
  36. The U.S.-Cuba Deal Heightens the Spy Threat, The Wall Street Journal, Jason Poblete and Yleem Poblete (Jan. 13, 2015).
  37. Obama’s Deal with Cuba Just Became a Whole Lot Worse For Those Who Want Political Prisoners Freed, The Blaze, interview with Yleem Poblete by Pete Kasperowicz (Jan. 8, 2015).
  38. Yes, Cuba Is a State Sponsor of Terror, National Review, Yleem Poblete and Jason Poblete (Jan. 6, 2015).
  39. Obama faces tough legal hurdles to easing sanctions against Cuba, The Blaze, interview with Yleem Poblete by Pete Kasperowicz (Dec. 22, 2014).
  40. Dealing with Iran Threat: Lessons from Diplomatic Negotiation with North Korea on De-Nuclearization, PAG Backgrounder, Dennis Halpin and Yleem Poblete (Dec. 16, 2014).
  41. Beyond The Barricades: Xi Lowers the Boom on Hong Kong, The Weekly Standard, Dennis Halpin (Dec. 15, 2014).
  42. Sick Man of Asia, The Weekly Standard, Dennis Halpin (Nov. 17, 2014).
  43. A Republican Congress: A Fresh Beginning; Yleem Poblete interview on Secure Freedom Radio with Frank Gaffney (Nov. 5, 2014).
  44. Iran’s Tango With Latin America, The National Interest, Yleem Poblete (Sep. 3, 2014).
  45. Terrorist Threats in the Americas: Extremists are Infiltrating the Western Hemisphere to Strike the U.S., The Washington Times, Yleem Poblete (July 23, 2014).
  46. Third Party Role Proposed to Heal War Time Wounds, The Korea Times, interview with Dennis Halpin (July 15, 2014).
  47. Looking Beyond the Iraq/ISIS Crisis: The Iran Challenge, Yleem Poblete, The National Interest (June 25, 2014).
  48. Deserter in North Korea May Provide Precedent for Bowe Bergdahl, Dennis Halpin, The Weekly Standard (June 4, 2014).
  49. Sanctioning Venezuela As a Threat to U.S. Security: Caracas Should be Targeted, Yleem Poblete, The Washington Times (May 29, 2014).
  50. Welcome to North Korea’s Game of Thrones, op-ed, Dennis Halpin, The National Interest (Apr. 23, 2014).
  51. The Asian Pivot, Does America Still Rule the Waves?, op-ed, Dennis Halpin, The Weekly Standard (Apr. 16, 2014).
  52. Abe Plays the Korea Card, Policy Brief, Dennis Halpin, U.S. Korea Institute at SAIS (Apr. 10, 2014).
  53. Sanctions Busters Get a Free Pass, Yleem Poblete quoted, The Hill newspaper (Apr. 10, 2014).
  54. Taiwan’s Sunflower Movement: Impasse Ends on TRA Anniversary Date, Dennis Halpin, The Weekly Standard (Apr. 9, 2014).
  55. (Media Advisory,  Mar. 27, 2014) European Ambassadors to Discuss “Russian Aggression: Exploring the Implications of Putin’s Annexation of Crimea,” at a Capitol Hill event moderated by Dr. Yleem Poblete, Fellow, Institute for Policy Research & Catholic Studies and the School of Theology and Religious Studies of The Catholic University of America.
  56. China, North Korea, and Hypocrisy on Human Rights, Op-Ed, Dennis Halpin, American Thinker (Mar. 27, 2014).
  57. Just How Do Americans See Cuba?, Op-Ed, Robyn Wapner, The Los Angeles Times (Mar. 6, 2014)
  58. Call Cuba to Account: Obama Should Enforce LIBERTAD as Congress Intended, Jason & Yleem Poblete, National Review Online (Feb. 27, 2014).
  59. Venezuela: An Opportunity to Defend Democracy, Op-Ed, Yleem Poblete, The Hill Newspaper: Congress Blog (Feb. 21, 2014).
  60. The Perils of Negotiating with Iran, Alan Goldsmith, The Times of Israel (Jan. 27, 2014).
  61. Halting UNESCO’s Misguided Path: Congress Allocates Hundreds of Millions to U.N. Agencies, Op-Ed, Yleem Poblete, The Washington Times (Jan. 22, 2014).
  62. U.S. Policy Toward the Middle East: Congressional Priorities and Areas of Concern, Poblete Analysis Group (Jan. 15, 2014)
  63. U.S. Policy Toward the Western Hemisphere: Congressional Priorities and Areas of Concern, Poblete Analysis Group (Jan. 15, 2014).
  64. U.S. Policy Toward the Asia-Pacific Region: Congressional Priorities and Areas of Concern, Poblete Analysis Group (Jan. 15, 2014).
  65. U.S. Policy – International Organizations: Congressional Priorities and Areas of Concern, Poblete Analysis Group (Jan. 15, 2014)
  66. Why the Obama-Castro Handshake Matters, Alan Goldsmith, The Times of Israel (Dec. 11, 2013).
  67. Iran-North Korea Nuclear Timeline, Poblete Analysis Group (Dec. 10, 2013).
  68. Honor President KennedyReform the UN to Defend Human Rights, Yleem Poblete, The Hill  (Nov. 22, 2013).
  69. Failing to Connect the Dots, Again, On Iran, Yleem Poblete, The Hill (Aug. 1, 2013).
  70. Time for an integrated approach to Iranian arms proliferation, Yleem Poblete, The Hill (May 8, 2013).
  71. The viability of sanctions as effective foreign policy tools: the case of Iran and Syria; Catholic University of America (CUA) Doctoral Dissertation, Yleem Poblete (2006).