Ensuring Peaceful Space Activities: Expert Advisory Services

As humanity expands its activities into outer space, ensuring this frontier’s security and peaceful use is more important than ever.

On the Florida Space Coast, and with decades of federal experience in Washington, DC, we leverage our arms control, verification, and compliance expertise to address the unique challenges of outer space security.

Led by experts with deep experience in foreign policy, national security, international law and strategic stability, we offer advisory services that focus on:

  • Space Arms Control: Navigating international treaties and agreements, such as the Outer Space Treaty, to ensure compliance while advancing peaceful uses of space technologies.
  • Space Debris and Security Protocols: Advising on protocols to mitigate risks from space debris and ensuring compliance with international guidelines to promote sustainable space activity.
  • Dual-Use Technologies in Space: Assessing and advising on the dual-use nature of technologies, ensuring that space exploration remains peaceful while recognizing security concerns tied to military applications.
  • Space Law and Governance: Supporting the development of national and international policies to regulate space activities, contributing to stability and reducing risks of conflict in space.

Our team provides strategic insight for government agencies, private enterprises, and international organizations aiming to secure their interests in the rapidly evolving field of space activity and governance.